I am a native from Borneo, Sarawak. Carrying the image from a Bidayuh community, I treasure memories in the past mostly about my kampung life (country lifestyle)
One of it is mamuh di botang sungi in Malay it's mandi di sebatang sungai in English taking a bath at the river.
Not really the normal bath, it's more to having fun before I head home for the real shower. The boys would normally show off thei acrobatic skill by jump dive into the river from a tree or from the wooden bridge (now all the sentimental belian bridges have been replaced by concrete culverts and concrete bridges).
The boys will normally mimic the tarzan sound... waaahhh, didn't know that there were tarzans around during my time.. lol
So, that few sentences i would consider as a brief introduction to my background. Sungi in Bidayuh means river / stream. Why i choose Sungi Country Collection? All my life, i just love to think that i am a good artist who can draw very well (blueeekkk!)... during my free time, i would make sketches of a view of river with wooden house(s) by the riverside and birds roaming their way for foods. Yes, i am a nature lover...
The image i have in mind
Ok, now back to the topic...Sungi Country Collection is simply a store which collect stuffs from the desa cottage.. It reflects collectibles normally found among the people in Sarawak especially from the kampung which represent their lifestyle. The items represent their activities be it as their hobby or as a way to earn a living.
I am now trying to gather some collectibles which are popular among the housewives. As a start, i have some collection of patchworks blankets...which i will talk about in the next segment...
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